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Coach Reins
Strategic Life Coach / Wellness & Performance Training / Metabolic Fitness
Ex-Psychotherapist Now Expert In Stress Reduction, Wellness & Performance You know how hard it is to communicate effectively; stay non-reactive; be a good listener be creative and resourceful; solve difficult problems when stress and negative emotions pile up on you from work and life demands? I solve this by training and coaching you in a unique program of proven stress reduction and emotional self-management techniques. Start doing better at implementing your strategic plan.

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Call Me Now! +1 678-928-9292
4402 Buckhorn Road, Gainesville, GA, 30501 USA
Strategic Life Coach / Wellness & Performance Training / Metabolic Fitness
Ex-Psychotherapist Now Expert In Stress Reduction, Wellness & Performance You know how hard it is to communicate effectively; stay non-reactive; be a good listener be creative and resourceful; solve difficult problems when stress and negative emotions pile up on you from work and life demands? I solve this by training and coaching you in a unique program of proven stress reduction and emotional self-management techniques. Start doing better at implementing your strategic plan.

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